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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


In collaboration with

Envera Dis-Friendly and CSR

At Envera we work with companies so that they comply with the General Disability Law, help us to employ people with disabilities and implement a social responsibility that helps them to be more competitive. We work on a "win-win" basis, offering innovative and quality services. Thanks to them, we provide stable employment to more than 850 professionals with disabilities.

ENVERA Dis-Friendly is an innovative way of understanding competitive social responsibility (CSR). (CSR) and to help companies to be better.

Dis-Friendly seal for business competitiveness

Are you a Dis-Friendly company friendly to people with disabilities? Ask us for your mark of excellence.

What is the Dis-Friendly® Seal?

An award that recognizes companies, organizations and individuals committed to equal opportunities, dignity, rights and freedoms, as well as social and labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. It does so through compliance with its Decalogue.

Public recognition and identification of the values it represents.

With a communication plan and marketing campaign for the disclosure and strength of the project and prestige of the recognition.

To achieve this, Envera will support your company in complying with the Dis-Friendly decalogue. Be Dis-Friendly® is is:

1.Be committed to the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities 2.

2.Respect the dignity of persons with disabilities.

3.Promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities.

4.Welcoming people with intellectual disabilities with a smile.

5.Have employees trained to deal courteously and efficiently, provide complete information about services and facilities, facilitate evacuation in case of emergency, as well as access to services that are not accessible to persons with disabilities.

6.Promote accessibility to information and activities for people with disabilities.

7.Committing to equal opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities.

8.Know how to manage the diversity of a global world that people with intellectual disabilities also represent.

9.To be socially responsible and to do so with people with intellectual disabilities.

10.To contribute value of excellence to the reputation of the brand by working for a quality service to people with intellectual disabilities.


Dis-Friendly companies and entities

With the support of:

Social events

We create your responsible event with social impact from the global values of sustainability, inclusion, diversity, innovation and progress.

CSR strategies and communication plans

Corporate social responsibility as a decisive value in the customer experience, as a tool for internal cohesion, fostering commitment and generating pride of belonging. 

We help you plan, manage and develop your company's campaigns and events through different activities: from corporate volunteering days to live radio programs or film forums. 

Social value and employment

Thanks to the trust of our customers, backed by the professionalism of our teams and the quality standards of our services, Envera has a professional team made up of more than 850 people with disabilities, 50% of whom are workers with intellectual disabilities. 

In addition, by working with Envera, companies improve their competitiveness and bottom line by improving customer experience and reputation, increasing employee engagement and reducing absenteeism, among other advantages such as tax benefits. 

Compliance with the General Law on Disability and CSR 

The General Law on Disability (LGD) obliges companies with 50 or more employees to reserve a quota of 2% of their workforce for workers with disabilities. 

In view of the difficulty for companies to comply with this law, this regulation is made more flexible by means of Alternative Measures which can be:

  • Donations to social entities that promote training or labor insertion. 
  • Contracting of goods or services with a Special Employment Center.  

By contracting your services with Envera you will be able to comply with the LGD by making a responsible purchase that will revert in the promotion of the labor integration of people with intellectual disabilities.

Thanks to the collaboration of:

Companies that trust in Envera and support our social project