- Mayor Jorge GarcĂa was accompanied by the Councilor for Social Policy, Elderly and Equality, Lara RodrĂguez.
Madrid | June 16, 2021
This Tuesday the Mayor of Colmenar Viejo, Jorge GarcĂa, and the Councilor for Social Policy, Elderly and Equality, Lara RodrĂguez, have been received by the general director of Envera, Enrique Grande, at the Integral Center for Disability that this non-profit organization has in the municipality of the northern highlands of Madrid.
The reason for the visit was the interest of the municipal councilor for people with intellectual disabilities and Envera professionals after a year of pandemic in which "the support of the people colmenareño, its emergency services and its City Council have felt very close in recent months, especially in the hardest moments of confinement when their help was essential," as Enrique Grande has pointed out to the mayor.
In addition, the representatives of the Consistory of Colmenareño have known the new projects that Envera has launched during the last year to respond to the lack of services due to the crisis of the COVID-19. Thanks to its clean room, the handling services for laboratories such as Chantelet, Kin or Lacer, or the start-up of the machine for manufacturing surgical masks type IIR, all in the Special Employment Center in Colmenar Viejo, Envera has been able to maintain jobs for people with disabilities.
Also with the support of socially responsible companies to Envera's social project, new projects have been created in its assistance services of the Occupational Center, Adult and Elderly Residence and the Day Center for People with Great Support Needs.
Garcia wanted to recognize the work of professionals Envera for "being there taking care of people at all times" and the know-how of people with intellectual disabilities during the confinement as "they have had an exemplary behavior".