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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


In collaboration with

Labor Market Insertion and Employment

Getting a job for people with disabilities is Envera's main objective. To this end, we work with public and private entities that join our commitment. Thanks to them we provide stable and supported employment to more than 850 people with disabilities.

Offers of


Employment agency

of the Canary Islands

Prepare your interview

of work

Work is a fundamental activity for achieving personal autonomy, offering social and personal security, stability and also the right to obtain a contributory pension at the end of one's working life. 

Envera's main objective is to help people with disabilities find employment that will allow them to enter the workforce in the best possible way through flexible and supportive programs. To date, we havewe have already helped more than 700 people with disabilitiesto find jobs in ordinary companies and we provide stable employment to more than 850 in our Special Employment Centers.

For this purpose, we have a team of specialized professionals working in the different branches of Enveradifferent delegations of Enverato find a professional opportunity according to the profile of each person, to advise in the active search for employment and to accompany each candidate for the appropriate incorporation to the job.


If you are interested in benefiting from the advantages and experience of Envera's Labor Insertion Service (SIL), please contact us. 

Envera's Job Placement Services

For candidates:

  • Initial assessment. 
  • Socio-labor orientation and personalized attention. 
  • Information and advice. 
  • Labor intermediation. 
  • Employment with support (ECA). Contact with collaborating companies.
  • Participation in the "Club de Faena" workshops. 

For companies:

-Compliance with the General Disability Law .

-Disability outreach campaigns .

  • Candidate "pre-selection" service, providing the most suitable profiles for the needs of the position and the company. 
  • Information and advice on subsidies, financial aid, tax benefits and bonuses in relation to the hiring of people with disabilities. BONUSES 2021 
  • Follow-up and evaluation of the employee's labor insertion in the company. 

Still don't know why it's good for your company to hire the best professionals with disabilities?

ENAIRE Project

Envera has obtained for 2 consecutive years (2020 and 2021) the confidence of this public entity in the Call for subventions promoted by ENAIREand aimed at social entities to promote job placement and job creation activities for people with disabilities. Thanks to Envera's ENAIRE Project,more than 200 people with disabilities have been employed, especially in the aeronautical sector..

With the support of ENAIRE, Envera's SIL, with offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga, Tenerife and Gran Canaria, provides support and training to people actively seeking employment, prepares individualized labor market insertion itineraries, accompanies beneficiaries until they are fully integrated into the workplace and develops awareness campaigns and social responsibility (CSR) consulting for companies. 

Vueling Project

The company Vueling supports the integration of people with disabilities by financing Envera's SIL in Barcelona.


Since the launch of this service in 2019, Envera has assisted a hundred people and advised more than 30 companies, which has resulted in the direct management of 28 job offers and the insertion of 52 people with disabilities.direct management of 28 job offers and the insertion of 52 people with disabilities, two of them at Vueling.two of them at Vueling.


Envera's SIL, with the support of Vueling, designs personalized job placement itineraries and accompanies candidates throughout their job search process and access to employment: 

  • Face-to-face and telematic interviews. 
  • Carrying out procedures or consultation. 
  • Support and guidance to the family. 
  • Supported employment. 


In addition, Envera works in a network with other social entities and with the public administration (city councils, Economic Promotion and base centers) that refer candidates and with whom we maintain a continuous coordination for the execution of the socio-labor itineraries. 

In this way, Envera and Vueling participate in various employment forums, such as theBusiness with social valuethe "Yes and Better" Fair and the Barcelona Citizen Agreement, among others.

INCORPORA. La Caixa" Foundation

Envera has been a member of the Incorpora Program of the "la Caixa" Foundation since 2014. This program facilitates the labor integration of people at risk of social exclusion. 


Incorpora is a labor intermediation program that optimally combines the needs of the social and business fabric to ensure the successful integration of disadvantaged groups into the labor market.


To this end, Envera offers a free comprehensive service with technicians from our job placement service who provide all the necessary advice to the company, as well as support in all phases of the process, from the selection of the worker to the complete integration into the job. 

TheIncorpora Programis an excellent connector between companies and a network of more than 700 professionals who work in the insertion of groups in a situation or at risk of social exclusion.

AILA Project

Subsidized by the Community of Madrid and the European Union Plus

Since 2001, Envera participates in the AILA Project for the Insertion of People with Disabilities in the Workplace, promoted by the Community of Madrid and co-financed by the European Union 40% co-financing from the European Union Plus.

Our main objective is to achieve the labor inclusion of people with disabilities and greater difficulties of insertion (especially intellectual, mental, physical or sensory disabilities over 65% and who, in general, do not have formal training or previous work experience. The job placements are carried out under the supported employment methodology (ECA) whenever the case requires it, adapting the intensity to the needs of the candidates and those of the job position.

Throughout the year 2024, with the support of the AILA XIX Project, Envera develops integrated itineraries of labor market insertion in which 60 people with disabilities participate. 60 people with disabilities10 of whom are also taking a cooking and hotel and catering course with training internships in companies in the sector.

The individualized elaboration of labor insertion itineraries with each participant makes it possible to configure the necessary path so that each person with a disability can obtain a stable job, taking into account his or her qualities, interests, preferences and professional approach, that that allows them to occupy their place in the world with dignity..

These itineraries facilitate the development of resources and competencies so that the person can identify employment options, choose, make their own decisions and evaluate the results in an autonomous manner.  

One of the constants that is repeated throughout all the AILA Projects is the importance of working on pre-employment and training skills. Within the Project, workshops related to the latest technologies are carried out to reduce the digital divide and provide access and technological training to people with disabilities, since these skills are increasingly in demand in the labor market and, through these workshops, the opportunity is provided to acquire knowledge so that candidates can improve their employment opportunities and be more competitive in an increasingly digital environment.

Another important part of the AILA Project that we develop at Envera is the specific training given at the Free Cooking and Dining Room Assistant Course to ten people with disabilities and is focused on the hospitality sector, which has a high demand for professionals and provides many opportunities for people with disabilities.

The main objective of this specific training has been to enable and train people with disabilities to perform tasks related to the field of hospitality as kitchen assistants and thus be able to access one of the most sought after professions in the labor market.

In addition to this training, specific training on environmental awareness and sustainability (aimed at promoting environmentally sensitive behavior and attitudes, through information on regulations, basic concepts and sustainability habits) and gender equality with activities aimed at training, promotion and awareness in this area are provided throughout all the Projects.

During the development of all AILA Projects, Envera works closely with social services, labor rehabilitation centers and base centers in the Community of Madrid and, together with organizations, companies, public administrations and institutions to inform, raise awareness and put into practice all the social responsibility and disability measures adopted in this initiative.

Employment Itineraries Project

Madrid City Council Employment Agency

Envera is part of this initiative of the Employment Agency of the Madrid City Council, which aims to develop activities and actions to improve the employability of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in the municipality of Madrid, through Personalized Employment and Supported Employment methodologies.

To this end, Envera's Labor Insertion Service (SIL) will carry out different activities, workshops and training throughout the duration of the project, which will last until August 2026.

With the collaboration of Plena Inclusión Madrid.