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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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Institutional Information

More than 45 years proving that we all can

be the best at something

Who we are.

Envera - Iberia Employees Association Parents of People with Disabilitiesis a non-profit organization with transparency accredited by the Lealtad Foundation, whose mission is for people with intellectual disabilities to take their place in the world with dignity.whose mission is that people with intellectual disabilities occupy with dignity their place in the world, accompanying them throughout their life cycle, from birth to the last day of their life, providing them withearly care, school support and training, job placement and employment, leisure, culture and sports.(we are part of Special Olympics), as well as assistance in residentialresidential homes, occupational centers and day care centers for people withfor people with high support needs.


Each year we serve4,800 people with intellectual disabilities and their familiesand we providestable and protected employment to 1,000 workersof which more than 850 are people with disabilities (50% intellectual disabilities).


OurEnvera Guardianship Foundationensures the care, the defense of the interests and the respect of the rights of people with intellectual disabilities when the family disappears or is unable to take care of them.


We have centers in Madrid, Colmenar Viejo, San Fernando de Henares, Barcelona, Malaga, Tenerife and Gran Canaria, as well as 'Envera Punto de Inclusión' spaces in the Islazul Shopping Center (Madrid), Carrefour Ciudad de la Imagen (Pozuelo de Alarcón) and Carrefour Prat (Barcelona).


Envera is leading theCompetitive Social Responsibilityof Madrid Foro Empresarial and its social work contributes toeleven Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) of the UN's 2030 Agenda.

Date information updated: June 2023

Our history.

Envera was founded in 1977under the name Asociación de Empleados de Iberia Padres de Personas con Discapacidad (APMIB) (Association of Iberia Employees Parents of People with Disabilities), on the initiative of airline employees with children and relatives with intellectual disabilities.

Fathers and mothers who, at that time and in Iberia's offices in Barcelona and Madrid, decided to join forces to help their children move forward and create a path of hope for all of them.

A year after its incorporation, Envera was declared a public utility. declared of public utility. Those were the times in which a fundraising campaign for the underprivileged was held in Spain, just as the piggy banks for the Domund campaign took to the streets.

In 1979, assistance for adults with disabilities began to operate in an apartment in the Chamberí neighborhood of Madrid. In 1980, Envera opened its first center with social assistance and employment.

Location map of ENVERA centers in Spain

That same year, Envera's headquarters were inaugurated in Malaga; in 1981, and thanks to Iberia once again, Envera opened a new one in Tenerife, and in 1982, in Gran Canaria. Barcelona had to wait until 1983 for Envera to open its fifth Special Employment Center.

From then on, Envera began its consolidation as a non-profit organization, becoming a reference point for the care of people with disabilities, especially intellectual disabilities.

In 1991, the Centro Integral de Discapacidad (Integral Center for Disability) was inaugurated, which has been linked to the social life of Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) ever since. In its Sports Pavilion Eunice Kennedy presents (1992) the Special Olympics movement in Spain. movement in Spain, and with it began in Envera a pioneering career in inclusive sports that now exceeds three decades of history.

In 2016, Envera Punto de Inclusión Envera Inclusion Point in the Islazul and Carrefour Ciudad de la Imagen shopping centers, a pioneering project in Europe that is sustainable, scalable and based on the circular economy with which Envera creates jobs, raises the visibility of people with disabilities and works in a network with other NGOs to help more than 25,000 vulnerable people in Spain and abroad.

Envera, over time, has been professionalizing and opening up to all disabilities and to society as a whole in order to provide its beneficiaries with comprehensive and quality care, to continue growing and to promote an inclusive society focused on the rights and dignity of the individual through real equal opportunities.

To this end, Envera currently has:

- Envera - Association, for the comprehensive care of people with disabilities through Early Care and Neurodevelopment, Training, Job placement, Occupational Centers, Day Center, Residences, Supervised Apartments, Sports and Leisure.

- Envera Employment, S.L.U., with Special Employment Centers that provide stable and protected employment to more than 850 professionals with disabilities, 50% of them with intellectual disabilities.

- Envera Guardianship Foundation, which takes care of and accompanies people with intellectual disabilities in situations of neglect in their decision making and watches over their rights and interests.

Date information updated: August 2023


Envera accompanies people with intellectual disabilities throughout their life cycle so that they can take their place in the world with dignity. their place in the world with dignity.

Date of information update: September 2022


Envera's vision is full social integration and

employment of people with disabilities.

Date of information update: September 2022


Our values are inclusion and social commitment, creating a framework where all differences, all abilities, have the same opportunities; transparency, quality and innovation.


Envera complies with Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, as well as Law 12/2014, of December 26, on transparency and access to public information of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.

The Association and Envera Empleo SLU have the Annual Report issued by the Transparency Commissioner of the Canary Islands.

- Transparency evaluation report Envera Empleo SL 2021.

- Envera-Association 2021 Transparency Evaluation Report.

Audit and accreditation of transparency to the Association by Fundación Lealtad in compliance with the following principles:

- Principle of operation and regulation of the Governing Body.

- Principle of Clarity and Publicity of the Social Purpose.

- Principle of Activity Planning and Monitoring.

- Principle of Faithful Communication and Image in Information.

- Principle of Transparency in Financing.

- Principle of Plurality of Financing.

- Principle of Control in the Use of Funds.

- Principle of Presentation of the Annual Accounts and compliance with Legal Obligations.

- Principle of Promotion of Volunteerism.


Envera has a Quality Policy its own Quality Policy and all our Welfare Services Centers, as well as most of the activities and services that we develop in the Special Employment Centers, have obtained the certification that accredits the implementation of a Quality Management System. Quality Management System based on the International Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015.

On the other hand, the centers that the Association has in Tenerife and Gran Canaria and the Envera Special Employment Center in Malaga, have the certification that certifies the implementation of an Environmental Management System. Environmental Management System based on the International Standard UNE-EN ISO 14.001: 2015.

It is worth mentioning that Envera Empleo, S.L.U. has obtained the certification that certifies the implementation of a Quality Management System for Medical Devices, based on the international standard, based on the international Standard UNE-EN ISO 13485:2018, for the Handling Area of the Envera Special Employment Center in Colmenar Viejo.

Envera also has the EcoVadis Sealone of the most reliable corporate sustainability ratings in the world, which accredits our risk management and ESG compliance as a strategic supplier in the value chain.

In addition, Envera is positioned as the the first NGO to manage information security at the highest level after obtaining the after obtaining the ISO 27001:2022 CertificationCertification, the most recent and updated one, as well as the Conformity with the National Security Scheme..

Date information updated: February 2024

Awards and recognitions.


Special Award for Inclusive Sports.FEUSO

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BBVA Sustainable Future Award to the 'VESTA Envera' Project. BBVA

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Honorable Mention for promoting inclusive sports. Municipal Board of Barajas (Madrid City Council).

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Recognition for promoting 'Sport in Positive' and participating

in the Dis-Friendly Relay Madrid Marathon . AS Newspaper

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Catering Awards for its contribution to the in-flight customer experience. Iberia

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Award for Social Value to the Project 'Vesta Envera: the resurgence after the flames'. Cepsa Foundation

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Honorary Ambassador Diversity Plan. Iberia

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Iberia names one of its new A320 NEO aircraft after Envera

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ABC Solidarity Award 

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Recognition by the Madrid City Council and MAPOMA to Envera for its participation in the Disfriendly Relay Madrid Marathon 

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The Community of Madrid includes Envera in the Bank of Good Practices in social care centers and services. 

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Cover of the Corresponsables Yearbook for Envera's social work and its impact on corporate CSR 

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Envera celebrates 45 years with recognition of companies and organizations that collaborate to contribute to 11 SDGs

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Special Logistics Leaders Award. 

Patronal UNO Logística.

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Certificate for contributing to the improvement of the employability of people in vulnerable situations. Intermedia Foundation

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Aena awards Envera for its waste recycling service at Malaga Airport.

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Fernando García, Envera volunteer, was awarded the prize for outstanding volunteer by the Colmenar City Council.

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CSR Award to Envera Punto de Inclusión.

CSR Week

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Gala with the Spanish Paralympic Committee and its sportsmen and sportswomen to celebrate with Envera its 30 years of Inclusive Sport

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Envera Punto de Inclusión, a project included in the shortlist of the of the Zero Project Awards

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Values Award for 30 years of inclusive sports. 

FEMADDI and Community of Madrid.

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Villa de Colmenar Environmental Commitment Award to Huerta Envera. Town Council of Colmenar Viejo

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Seal "collaborating company" for protecting equal opportunities in the workplace. Intermedia Foundation

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Influentials Award for the Most Sustainable Organization of 2018 awarded by the readers of El Confidencial

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National Award for Excellence in Inclusion and Occupational Risk Prevention for people with intellectual disabilities. in people with intellectual disabilities. Alares Foundation

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Solidarity Territories Award.


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Award for commitment to the labor market insertion of people with intellectual disabilities. Mapfre Foundation

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Corresponsables Award for Best Practices in CSR and Responsible Communication.

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OCARE Award for the CSR trajectory and the Radio Terrícola project.

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Volunteer Award. Colmenar Viejo City Council

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CEPSA Social Value Award

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Femaddi XXV Anniversary Gala Award to the athletes of the Club Ícaro Envera and their families

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Organization for employment. El Prat City Council



Volunteer Award. Colmenar Viejo City Council



Her Majesty Queen Letizia presides the 40th Anniversary of Envera

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Justice and Disability Forum Award of the General Council of the Judiciary

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Gala with the Spanish Paralympic Committee and its sportsmen and sportswomen to celebrate with Envera its 25 years of Inclusive Sport

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Gold Medal of Colmenar Viejo

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Transparency and good practices seal to the Association as an NGO audited and accredited by Fundación Lealtad.

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Corresponsables Iberoamerica Award to Radio Terrícola

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DEC Special Mention. Employee Involvement Category

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Golden Antenna of the Spanish Federation of Radio and Television Associations.

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Quality Management System Certification ISO 9001:2008 of envera's Healthcare Services, since 2011.


Sports Merit Award of the City Council of Colmenar Viejo


Universia Foundation Award

Date information updated: June 2024

Report of activities.

Download ENVERA activity report
Download ENVERA activity report
Download ENVERA activity report
Download ENVERA activity report
Download ENVERA activity report
Download association activities report

Date information updated: June 2023