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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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We lead the CSR of Madrid Business Forum

Competitive social responsibility, SDGs and disability

Envera leads the Competitive Social Responsibility Table of the Madrid Business Forum Madrid Business Forumwhere it advises, guides and accompanies companies in the development of their CSR plans as a strategic value for business competitiveness.

Corporate social responsibility is compliance with the law, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, above all, a decisive value for the improvement of the customer experience, a tool for internal cohesion that fosters employee commitment and generates greater pride in belonging to the company.

For this reason, Envera brings more than four decades of experience in diversity management and the development of social responsibility, which it makes available to the business community through its proposals and the loudspeaker of Madrid Foro Empresarial.

Competitive Social Responsibility Roundtable Events

Talent without labels: Ineco, DKV, Normmal and Claudia Tecglen discuss diversity in business
When supporting the impossible is profitable: "95% of the Paralympic Team's budget is provided by companies".
Envera and Metro de Madrid, success story in European Mobility Week
Envera is certified as a 'Sustainable Supplier' with the United Nations program.
The Minister of Housing, Transport and Infrastructures presents the Itevelesa Group with the Envera Dis-Friendly Seal for its excellence in the inclusion of people with disabilities.
Taxation and ESG: a strategy for business competitiveness and inclusion
CSR, a key to corporate and public administration strategy
Envera participates in the 1st Empléate Madrid Forum
Envera presents its Solidarity Calendar 2021 in recognition of the aeronautical sector