Madrid | December 17, 2015
The president of Iberia, Luis Gallego, accompanied by his full management committee, visited this Wednesday the living nativity scene that Envera-APMIB organizes every Christmas at its facilities in Colmenar Viejo. Beneficiaries of the Residence for the Elderly, the Day Center for the Seriously Affected and the Occupational Center recreated with the professionals who work with them every day different scenarios of the Nativity Scene to share their illusion and joy, in an open day in which family and friends also participated.
The senior staff of the airline, which is a patron of the Association and from which APMIB was born almost forty years ago, had the opportunity, once again, to see firsthand the latest activities carried out in this comprehensive center for people with intellectual disabilities. The president of Envera, José Antonio Quintero, one of the founders of the Association, recalled how the organization was born, the result of the will of some Iberia workers, parents of "subnormal" children, as they were called then, who, always with the support and help of the company, decided to join forces and become, four decades later, a model of success and a benchmark in the care and social and labor integration of people with disabilities.
Before the tour of Envera, Luis Gallego and his collaborators held the usual meeting of the Association's steering committee in the Association's library, around a table where Iberia held the first board meeting in its history.
Subsequently, Luis Gallego was the character of the day in the program of Radio TerrícolaIn the workshop of the Occupational Center, where he answered questions from the interviewers who were interested in learning about his work and his tastes. When asked by Beatriz about what Envera means to the president of Iberia, Gallego declared "it is an institution that has done and continues to do exemplary work, and of which we all feel very proud. It is a pleasure to come here and be able to see all the activities that are carried out, and for Iberia it is a source of pride to be helping this Association to do all the good things they do".