Gran Canaria : May 23, 2022
Last Friday, May 20, we welcomed Katy Gonzáles, a social educator who came to Envera to give a workshop on Citizen Participation through Plena Inclusión, in our Radio Terrícola studios in Gran Canaria.
This was a very special interview because she had already visited our Occupational Center and our speakers were able to talk to her about the workshop, what she learned during that period and the wonderful experience of sharing our time with her, on and off the air.
This participation project, so interesting and inclusive, is a project born from Plena Inclusion with the aim that people with intellectual disabilities participate fully in their lives in making decisions in society and within their own associations, so that these decisions go beyond the things they like to do in their workshops or leisure activities. To participate is to influence and have your opinion taken into account by others: in your life, in the association and in society. When you participate, you can change things. When you participate, you can improve your life and that of others.
The journalistic concerns of our reporters have made us get to know our guest a little more and to know a little more about citizen participation through her more activist side as part of Ben Magec (guinche word meaning "children of the sun"), a group belonging to the State Confederation of Ecologists in Action, which last week celebrated 30 years of struggle and vindication advocating for the defense and protection of the environment and the natural, cultural and social values of the islands.
We hope to see you here again soon!