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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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USO awards Envera for promoting sports among its disabled workers

Madrid | June 26, 2024

On the occasion of its 7th Congress, the Federación de Enseñanza de USO(FEUSO) of the Community of Madrid has awarded Envera a "Special Prize" for its 'Muévete y no te pares' project aimed at promoting sports and physical activity among people with disabilities, especially intellectual disabilities, at its Special Employment Center in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid).

Envera is a non-profit organization open to the whole of society that accompanies people with disabilities so that they can take their place in the world with dignity. Envera currently serves 5,000 people with disabilities and their families each year and provides stable and protected employment to more than 850 of them.

The award was presented by the Sales Director of Mc Yadra, Francisco Javier Reyes, supplier of school uniforms and sponsor of the award, at a gala that was attended by the Director General of Education, Scholarships and Study Aids of the Community of Madrid, Jorge Elías de la Peña; the Secretary General of FEUSO-Madrid, Juan Torija; the Managing Director of Mc Yadra, Roberto Balmaseda; and the Director General of Envera, Enrique Grande, among other representatives of the field of education and social entities.

Grande said "thank you for this recognition of sports training at Envera, a task that has accompanied us throughout our history, more than 47 years since we were born from the Iberia company".

The head of Envera appealed to education workers "so that none of the children who arrive at Envera when they are just a few days old, and whom we accompany on the journey of life from early intervention to school support and training to obtain an academic degree or a job through the professional programs that we provide, always receive what they need with inclusive classrooms, yes, but also special ones, where the eagerness every day is not to defend themselves from bullying, but to fight to learn more and better and to conquer a future of inclusion, always receive what they need with inclusive classrooms, yes, but also special ones, where the aim of each day is not to defend themselves from bullying, but to fight to learn more and better and to conquer a future of equal opportunities for all".

Along with Envera, the aquatic therapy project of the San Rafael Hospital was also recognized with the special award, as well as professionals from different disciplines such as pedagogy or special education.