We are in the middle of the campaign to file the Income Tax Return for 2014. We give you 10 reasons to check the box for Activities of General Interest considered of Social Interest, the "Solidarity X".
- In 2015, thanks to the people who marked the "X for Solidarity" in the previous year, 1,236 social programs are being implemented. Almost 6 million people in vulnerable situations or at risk of social exclusion are benefiting.
- In 2014, €278,401,286 was raised. If everyone checked this box, up to 500 million euros could be raised.
- It is possible to simultaneously check the box corresponding to the Catholic Church and the Social Purposes box. In this case, 0.7% is allocated to each of them (1.40%). The aid is not divided, it is added together. If you already check the box for the Catholic Church, you can double the amount by also checking the "X Solidaria".
- By marking the "X for Solidarity" you contribute to the development of social action programs (79.14% of the total collected), support the implementation of development cooperation programs (19.43%) and implement projects aimed at favoring the environment (1.43%).
- The programs financed are mainly aimed at people with disabilities, children, families, youth, the elderly, or people in vulnerable situations or at risk of social exclusion.
- Projects are not only developed in Spain, but also outside our country, working in humanitarian emergencies and in education, health or childhood projects.
- The money collected is destined, in its entirety, to specific projects developed by the non-profit organizations, the money is never destined to their structures.
- Checking the Social Purposes box is a gesture of solidarity that does not cost anything. Checking this box, checking the one for the Catholic Church, checking both, or not checking any of them, does not have any economic cost for the taxpayer. The resulting amount to be paid, or to be refunded, will not be modified in any case. Marking the Social Purposes box, or together with the Church box, does not mean paying more. It means allocating our taxes to those who need it most.
- Do not draw a blank. If you do not check any box, 0.7% of the total personal income tax is imputed to the General State Budget for unspecified general purposes. It is not known where this money goes.
- Only in this case can citizens choose the destination of this small part of their taxes. With citizens increasingly demanding greater participation quotas, this is the moment to choose through this small gesture. It is the opportunity to become an active and supportive taxpayer.