Madrid | December 22, 2017
The technical team of AEDIS has visited today the facilities of the Integral Center for Disability that Envera has in the town of Colmenar Viejo, Madrid.
The heads of this business organization dedicated to the representation and defense of the rights of entities dedicated to the provision of assistance services and labor integration of people with disabilities, have known the activities carried out in the various lines of business of the Special Employment Center: document management, laundry, handling and recycling solidarity.
They were also able to tour the assistance services that Envera provides each year to more than 2,500 people with intellectual disabilities: Occupational and Day Center, Huerta Envera, sports pavilion and the Residence for the elderly over 45 years of age with premature aging.
The main objective of the visit was to learn about the project of the clean room for packaging that Envera has just launched in its handling area, which currently employs 130 workers with disabilities and is very focused on the packaging activity. The use of a clean room has led to an improvement in ergonomic workstations, minimizing physical efforts, optimizing the different production lines within the area, expanding training and providing different skills.
This clean room project was one of the winners of the 2016 DICE-BBVA call for proposals and, during the first three years of activity, will enable the direct hiring of six people with intellectual disabilities and the maintenance of at least four existing jobs.
About the DICE Project and Envera
Since 2012, AEDIS annually convenes the DICE-BBVA Project (Disability, Innovation, Quality and Employment), with the overall objective of promoting and enhancing alternatives that generate and maintain stable and quality employment for people with intellectual disabilities.
Grupo Envera is a non-profit organization founded 40 years ago by Iberia employees, whose transparency is accredited by the FundaciĂłn Lealtad, and which provides services for 2,500 people with disabilities every year in its early care, neurodevelopment for children and youth, training, occupational and day center, residences and guardianship; it employs more than 500 people with functional diversity and trains more than 300 athletes; it has the support of 250 volunteers and has a hundred collaborating entities. It has centers in Madrid, Colmenar Viejo (Madrid), Barcelona, Malaga, Tenerife and Las Palmas. This year it commemorates its 40th anniversary under the slogan "We can all be the best at something" and the honorary presidency of Her Majesty Queen Letizia.