Madrid | May 30, 2016
The Dream-It Foundation has once again visited the centers in Colmenar Viejo of Envera - Asociación de Empleados de Iberia Padres de Personas con Discapacidad and, on this occasion, Mona Biegstraaten, President of CIONET Spain and Latin America, and Luis Miguel Rosa, General Director of the largest community of Information Technology (IT) managers in Europe, were accompanied by the CIONET Advisory Board, twenty-two professionals from leading companies in Spain.
During the visit to the Occupational Center, the representatives of Dream-It, a foundation promoted by CIONET and The Excellence Net, participated in a special program of Radio Terrícola in which Idoia Maguregui, Deputy General Manager of Sareb, and Ignacio Cea, Corporate Director of Strategy and Innovation at Bankia, explained what the work of IT managers consists of and how technology can contribute to improving society and making everyday activities easier.
The Envera library hosted a working meeting of the directors, who before the end of the visit witnessed the demonstration of an animal-assisted therapy performed at the Day Center for severely handicapped people.
In Biegstraaten's words, "It's amazing what Envera does and together with the generosity of the Advisory Board we got involved in a wonderful project. Interesting collaborations have already been agreed upon from this meeting, not only for this project but also for the following DremIT projects", as reported by The Excellence Net.
From Envera, we would like to thank the Dream-It CIONET Foundation and all the CIOs that compose it not only for promoting technology, but also for betting, as Envera does, for its application in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, building a better society and a fairer future.
Envera with CIONET: Dream-it, Do-it.