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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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Interviews with Juan Miguel, from Carreras Grupo Logístico, and Merche, an Envera employee.

Canary Islands | October 23, 2020

It so happens that this morning in the studio of the Canary Islands delegation of Radio Terrícola we had the good fortune to interview two people who represent a fundamental part of what Envera is.

On the one hand, we were visited by Juan Miguel, from the company Carreras Grupo Logístico, who spoke to us about the world of work and the relationship between his company and Envera, and we also enjoyed the visit of Merche, an Envera employee in Las Palmas and a person dear to all of us.

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That so important thing we are referring to and that both characters represent from two different points of view is work and the way in which it affects us in everyone's life. For Envera, the employment of people with disabilities is essential and we have been fighting for it for 43 years in this country. Thanks to companies such as Juan Miguel, people with disabilities have a place where they can show that we can all be the best at something, and why not, even more so by performing a job.

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Merche is an example of this know-how and for years she has managed to earn her job. She is a reference for others and a source of pride for all her colleagues at Envera.

Thanks to both of you for your contributions, experiences and good advice.