Madrid | December 17, 2024
The director of the Enver Guardianship Foundationa, Marta Muñoz, has been appointed today as a member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Agency for the Support of Adults with Disabilities(AMAPAD), chaired by the Councilor for Family, Youth and Social Affairs of the Community of Madrid, Ana Dávila.
AMAPAD is a public entity dedicated to supporting adults with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity in the Community of Madrid.
The Agency has as its mission the promotion of autonomy and assistance to adults with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity, for which the Agency is designated. One of its main purposes is the inexcusable exercise of the guardianship of adults with disabilities residing in the Community of Madrid, under the terms set by the Civil Code, when so determined by the competent judicial authority, with the ethical commitment to support the exercise of their rights and their full citizenship.
For its part, the Envera Guardianship Foundation's mission is to assist and protect people with disabilities in situations of orphanhood, neglect or social exclusion, ensuring their welfare, their integrity and their interests, providing answers to the big question of families: "What will become of our child with disabilities when we are gone?"
"Envera accompanies people in their life project, is committed to them, with their families and with society in general", Muñoz explained during the Board Meeting. The head of the Guardianship Foundation has also put in value the "great achievements" that have been a joint success, as "that people with intellectual disabilities have legal capacity on equal terms and that they are considered full citizens in all aspects of life".
"We assume with responsibility this role in the Council corresponding to the Foundations that offer support to people with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity, and we are deeply grateful for the trust", said Envera at the meeting, which was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Family, Youth and Social Affairs and Vice President of the Board, Pablo Gómez-Tavira; the general director of Attention to People with Disabilities, Alejandra Serrano; the general director of Attention to the Elderly and Dependency, Óscar Álvarez; the general director of Social and Health Coordination, Carmen González; the director of AMAPAD, Encarna Rivero; as well as the presidents of CERMI Madrid and the Spanish Society of Legal Psychiatry, Óscar Moral and Alfredo Calcedo, respectively.