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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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Iberia Express lands in Radio Terrícola after a day of inclusion at the Envera Integral Center for Disability.

Madrid | April 27, 2023

Our friends from Iberia Express, a subsidiary company of our parent company Iberia, have disembarked in the Radio Terrícola studio of the Envera Occupational Center in Colmenar Viejo, after enjoying a day of inclusion in our Integral Disability Center.

In addition to learning first-hand about the employment services (handling, document management and recycling center) and care services (day center, occupational and residential) with which Envera accompanies people with intellectual disabilities, the Iberia Express team was able to enjoy an activity in the Envera Orchard together with the people of Envera, to prepare our particular orchard for the summer season.

Captained by its financial and corporate director, Elena Baíllo, the more than 20 people from Iberia Express ended their expedition to Envera with a special Radio Terrícola program in which we had a great time and reviewed the main milestones of our shared history for more than a decade: the Iberia Express Garden, inaugurated by the presidents of both entities; the celebration of 45 years of Envera and 10 of the company; the boost to employment with our workers with disabilities at the headquarters of Iberia Express; or the conference on Women, employment and disability organized on the occasion of International Women's Day, among many other moments we have experienced together.
