Madrid | May 8, 2018
Envera and its integrating project Radio Terrícola, in collaboration with Islazul, will carry out next Wednesday, May 9, from 12:00 to 14:00 hours, a special radio program from the Fashion Plaza of the Shopping Center where Envera Inclusion Point is located, a pioneer solidarity space in Europe. The broadcast will feature the participation of people with intellectual disabilities from the Envera Occupational Center in a program that can be attended by visitors who come to the Mall.
The theme of the Radio Terrícola program will be influenced by the festival of the patron saint of Madrid and will serve to warm up for the celebration of San Isidro, with traditional music and interviews. In addition, the boys and girls of Envera will bring the usual joy and "good vibes" and will come to the program dressed as chulapos and chulapas.
Islazul will also participate in the festivities organized by the Madrid City Council and will set up a stand in the Pradera de San Isidro, with gifts to combat the heat and enjoy the day in the best possible way.