Madrid | May 28, 2020
Today's program was very profitable because we talked about making the most of the time. We listened to good music, as always, but even fresher because we heard a singer playing from his home, who took advantage of his confinement to create. Similar is what happened to the father of our beneficiary Oscar, who had time to reflect on the planet and the need to take care of it. For another interviewee, it has helped her to realize how enriching volunteering can be.
MARIA ANGELES ALBERTI, a young volunteer, who studies in Germany but takes advantage of her vacations to collaborate in the occupational workshops, started off strong, saying that she had never been treated as well as at Envera. "Both the beneficiaries and the monitors are great. In this super experience I have learned to see things differently, to put myself in the other person's place..." And that's why she recommends volunteering one hundred percent because "it's an investment in time that pays off in learning. There are all advantages. Looking back, she recalled that from the very first moment she began to receive affection and hugs from the beneficiaries of the occupational center. It is not surprising that the time spent with them flew by. This explains why he is eager to return in search of their hugs.
ÓSCAR ORTIGOSA, an Envera beneficiary, and his father, Domingo, each participated in the program from a different place. It turns out that the son had to go to a cousin's house after his brother was diagnosed with coronavirus. But it has been good for Óscar because he has cooked soups and biscuits and has had time to play with the tablet and read the Lord of the Rings. And he has not left us without sending a greeting to Jose, the monitor, to whom he said he is very happy. His father did not say goodbye without another message: "Let's see if we learn to take care of nature and live with less stuff".
DAVID CASTRO, musician and singer, has also learned a lot in confinement, such as how to make the most of his time composing songs and making video clips. He feels satisfied for having been able to contribute with his art to transmit positivity. Fortunately, working in teaching has allowed him to avoid the economic hardships that other artists are going through now, although he has been forced to suspend galas. How has it been for him to be locked up at home that in the end it has turned out to be "the most productive stage of his whole life". So much so that one of his video clips, very creative and with a lot of humor, has gone around the world without leaving his house. As a teacher, he commented that the video calls with the children are very gratifying, especially after having started correcting work by e-mail, a much colder way of communication. As for the music, he has summoned us for their next concert (they are already starting to schedule) which will be on August 1st in Las Rozas. Before or after that date we hope that he fulfills his commitment to come to see us "in situ" to hear him and interview him live.
After interviewing the author of these reviews to talk about journalism, Radio Terrícola, the commendable work of Envera, the good work of its professionals, the human quality of its beneficiaries, the spectacular short film "Michael's Flight", inclusion in general and what he is learning with Envera, the program ended by remembering Paco Clavel's visit to the studios of Radio Terrícola. An interview that left a good memory to the hosts and an indelible mark on this great sowhman who hides a sensitive person with a big heart.
Tomorrow, much more.