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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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The Director General of Employment of the Community of Madrid visits Envera

  • The director of the Public Employment Service has learned about several services provided by Envera to the aeronautical sector.
  • The Community finances the Support Unit that accompanies workers with disabilities.

Madrid | September 16, 2022

The Director General of the Public Employment Service of the Community of Madrid, Belén García, visited last Friday one of Envera's Special Employment Centers in Madrid where nearly 200 people with disabilities work. In total, as Envera's general manager, Enrique Grande, explained, "Envera provides stable and supported employment to almost a thousand workers, of which more than 850 have disabilities, 50% of them with intellectual disabilities".

García visited the CEE on the occasion of the report made by Telemadrid to report on the work carried out by the professionals of the support units that provide accompaniment, counseling and social and labor assistance to workers with disabilities. Envera's Support Units, composed of psychologists, social workers and job coaches, are funded by the Community of Madrid, which supports the integration of people with intellectual disabilities.

The professionals with disabilities and those responsible for the different areas of production explained to the general manager their work and the importance of being able to work. "It means having autonomy and an important help for our families," explained Juana Román, a worker and resident of Envera who has been working in the handling area for 31 years, among other jobs, cartoning the cutlery delivered on board the airplanes.

In addition to this service, García also met the professionals who carry out the digitalization and management of documents related to the aeronautical field, as well as the revision and selection of aircraft engine bolts, work that Envera performs for multinationals such as Iberia, Aernnova or Farsound.