- The project "Radio Terrícola, the radio that unites us"(radioterricola.com) has been chosen among 297 applications from 12 different countries. The jury, chaired by José Luis Fernández, Professor of Ethics at Comillas Pontifical University, valued the social impact of this initiative.
-Pedro Sobrino, CEO of the Envera Group: "Radio Terrícola is what we are: a window to the world through which people show that to be different is also to be different. a
opportunity to transform reality through solidarity waves".
Madrid | September 23, 2015
The Envera Group, a non-profit organization that for over 38 years has been working for the social and labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, has been awarded the VI Corresponsables Awards in Ibero-America for its project "Radio Terrícola, la radio que nos une" (Radio Terrícola, the radio that unites us). This recognition highlights the social impact of an initiative that was born two years ago as a leisure and learning activity of its Occupational Center and whose objective is to offer a space to promote communication skills in disability and to raise awareness throughout society.
The origin of Radio Terrícola (radioterricola.com) is in the altruistic work of a volunteer expert in Sound and Communication and in the work of a group of professionals of the Occupational Center that the Envera Group has at its headquarters in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid). Together they gave life to a radio station that can be listened to on the Internet and has a daily schedule of programs produced by the 150 beneficiaries of the welfare area and the 9 professionals who facilitate and supervise the technical aspects.
Pedro Sobrino, CEO of the Envera Group, said during the award ceremony that "Radio Terrícola is what we are: a window open to the world through which people show that being different is also an opportunity to transform reality through solidarity waves".
Sobrino, during his speech, wanted to share this recognition with Envera's patrons, "Iberia, Aena, Eads and Unisys, as well as with the group of entities that, like the Montemadrid Foundation, support Envera in its objective of making this world a fairer and happier place".
The project "Radio Terrícola: The radio that unites us" was chosen in the category of Non-Profit Organizations and Social Economy, among 297 entries from 12 different countries, by a jury chaired by José Luis Fernández, Professor of Ethics at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.