Madrid | May 13, 2020
"Together we are stronger" has passed the Rubicon of quarantine today with its 41st program.
We have started talking about service and solidarity with the director of communicationsón de la and ended with the humor of two comedy actresses. Without leaving aside theón "Éxito Feliz" (Happy Success) by Antonio Martín, the poesía by Vicente Enguix and the short story by María Reyes.
AURELIO SOTOthe lieutenant commander who spokesman of the UME, acknowledged that they are strong after all the work done in the different missions against the Covid 19: in nursing homes, in the transfer of sick peopleand in the transfer of the deceased to the depot.óto the depot. According toúIn his opinion, improving the situation of theóThe work has been driven by the need to improve the situation of the sick, and they have mourned the dead and shared the grief of their families.
The relaxed moment came when David Ferrero reminded him of the drill carried out at Envera, especially when Paco was wearing the harness on the roof. Soto said that it is very important to practice because this way you don't start from zero when emergency situations arise: "those activities that we have done before the epidemic in Envera are very important because they are not the same as the ones we have done in the past. Covid have now saved lives. He remembers that drill with affection, as does David, when he referred to how entertaining the experience was and how important the contact was, the human quality that is needed to overcome the most difficult moments. "Seeing your dedication is an emotional reinforcement for us," said the EMU communications director. He said goodbye with a message of peace of mind for everyone, saying that they will continue to preserve the safety of all.
HAPPY SUCCESShas a scoop: Antonio Martín, our Michael, is already on the sixth floor of the skyscraper he is building with chopsticks in his room.óroom 17 where he spends his confinement. AñNow, that'síHe is still waiting to develop the reels of photos he accumulates until he opens the Foto Aurora store in the heart of Madrid. After such a long time without taking off or landing, he doesn't know when the second part of the award-winning documentary short film El vuelo de Michel will be ready.
ActressesMARISOL ROLANDI and MARIA CASALauthor of "Ballenas Asesinas", were our next luxury guests. María declared herself to be "armed with patience" waiting to perform again this comedy that she had premiered in Valladolid with María José del Valle and Marisol Rolandi. Together they have also worked in plays such as "Tremendas", "Lobas" and "Te he dejado un pollo en el horno". With titles like these, fun is guaranteed. During the interview they have left us some advice for Envera's theater group and great reflections: "we all carry inside doing theater, theater always changes you inside" and a final wish: "That this ends - the damned epidemic - and ends well".
The poetic touch ofVicente Enguíxand the reading of the story "La sacerdotisa" (The priestess) from the digital volunteerMaría Reyeswere the highlight of today's program.
Thank you all for your participation and for providing your words of wisdom to all our listeners.
Here you can listen to the podcast of the program.