- Accompanied by the councilman president of the Madrid district of Barajas and the director of AMAPAD of the Community of Madrid.
Madrid | December 3, 2024
The deputy and deputy secretary for Equality, Conciliation and Social Policy of the Popular Party, Ana Alós, visited this Tuesday the headquarters of Envera in Madrid on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. She has done so accompanied by the councilman president of the Madrid district of Barajas, Juan Peña, and the director of the Madrid Agency for the Support of Adults with Disabilities (AMAPAD) of the Community of Madrid, Encarna Rivero.
The delegation was received by the general director of Envera, Enrique Grande, and the director of the Tutelar Foundation, Marta Muñoz, who showed the social work that Envera has been doing, since its foundation in 1977 by the Iberia company, to accompany people with disabilities throughout their lives so that they can take their place in the world with dignity.
Alós has known firsthand the daily life of the beneficiaries with intellectual disabilities and Envera professionals. Specifically, he visited the Early Care and Neurodevelopment Service, which is a reference center in the Community of Madrid, the Training and Labor Insertion Service and the Residence with Occupational Center.
The national deputy has also participated in a program of Radio Terrícola, occupational workshop conducted by people with intellectual disabilities, where she highlighted "the magnificent work that Envera has been doing for almost 50 years" as well as the commitment of the Popular Party to promote that people with disabilities have a full life.
For her part, the president of AMAPAD recalled the initiatives launched by the Community of Madrid to promote the autonomy of people under the care of the public administration, while Peña presented the new project on which Envera and the Board of Barajas are working together to provide a good service to the residents of the District and promote the employment of people with disabilities: the upcoming launch of the cafeteria of the Gloria Fuertes Sociocultural Center of the City of Madrid.