Madrid | February 21, 2024
Through its project 'Alas comprometidas' (Committed Wings), Envera has collaborated with Iberia and the Embassy of Ecuador in Spain to make possible the transport of several canvases from Quito to Madrid, where they will be part of the exhibition Feminitas, tres miradas ecuatorianas that will be inaugurated on March 8 at the Museum of America on the occasion of International Women's Day.
The transfer of the works of art was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the airline's crew and Envera volunteer Begoña Ontiveros, who is also an Iberia flight attendant and who leads the 'Alas comprometidas' (Committed Wings)initiative.
In this way, Envera reaffirms its commitment to equal opportunities, the recognition of the role of women in society and cultural promotion in the international arena.
The Embassy has expressed its gratitude to Envera "for collaborating in the transfer of the works that will be part of this exhibition", an activity that -they add- makes "Ecuadorian culture visible abroad".
This is the second shipment of 'Alas comprometidas' after the double bass brought from Venezuela at the beginning of the year and delivered to its owner, Jhorjan BolĂvar, emigrated to Spain and musician of the Carlos Cruz-DĂez Orchestra.
Envera, a non-profit organization that has been developing its social work since 1977 so that people with disabilities can take their place in the world with dignity, also carries out cooperation projects inside and outside Spain, in alliances with other organizations, and which have an impact on 11 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.