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AsociaciĂłn Envera is an NGO accredited by FundaciĂłn Lealtad.


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Envera and the City Council of Colmenar Viejo celebrate with an agreement the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

  • Envera celebrates the Day of Persons with Disabilities with the representation of the town where its Integral Center for Disability was born
  • The City Council held the Local Government Meeting at Envera's headquarters.

Madrid | December 1

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which is commemorated every December 3, the City Council of Colmenar Viejo has held, for the first time in this legislature, the Local Government Board outside the municipal headquarters, specifically in the Integral Center for Disability that Envera has in this town in Madrid with which it shares more than 40 years of history.

This is an important milestone with which Envera has celebrated this day with the representation of the town that saw the birth of its Integral Center for Disability.

Among the agreements reached by the government colmenareño has unanimously approved the signing of a framework collaboration agreement between the City Council and Envera to promote social and labor inclusion of people with disabilities. The mayor, Carlos Blázquez, and the president of Envera, José Antonio Quintero, have signed the agreement in the presence of the rest of the Corporation and students with intellectual disabilities Envera Insertion Group that precisely are preparing for internships in different areas of local government.

For the general manager of Envera, Enrique Grande, the importance of these training practices lies in the fact that "they are an example of labor inclusion by the public administration that, on the one hand, gives the opportunity to train people with disabilities and, on the other hand, breaks down prejudices in society".

After the meeting of the government team and the signing of the agreement, the mayor and the councilors visited the Envera headquarters to see first-hand the activities carried out by the professionals of the Special Employment Center and the day-to-day life of the beneficiaries, students and residents of the Occupational Center and Day Center for People with Great Support Needs.

The culmination of the visit was a special program on Radio Terrícola, a workshop conducted by people with intellectual disabilities from Envera, in which Blázquez highlighted the social work carried out by Envera as well as the collaboration between the social entity and the City Council of Colmenar Viejo.

For his part, Quintero said that "we are proud to welcome the mayor and the government of Colmenar Viejo, a municipality that is an example of inclusion and with which Envera has shared a history of more than 40 years".

Proof of this history is that, among its awards, Envera has been awarded the Gold Medal of Colmenar Viejo in the gold category "in recognition of the work it has done over the years for the social and labor integration of people with disabilities". in the gold category "in recognition of the work it has done over the years for the social and labor integration of people with disabilities".