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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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Successful conclusion of the Semilla 14/15 training project developed by Envera in Tenerife

Canary Islands | January 4, 2016

With the end of the year also comes the closing of some annual projects developed by Grupo Envera - Asociación de Empleados de Iberia Padres de Personas con Discapacidad, as is the case of the 2014-2015 Seed Project, framed within the Integrated Itineraries of Labor Insertion Projects, co-financed with community funds from the European Social Fund and by the Special Employment Plan of the Canary Islands.

This Project, which has been developed since January 2015, includes the delivery of two professional certificates (agriculture and gardening) for unemployed people with physical, intellectual and/or sensory disabilities equal to or greater than 33%.

NPSeed1After a total of 1,050 hours, including on-the-job training, which the students carried out during the month of November, on November 30, the Director of Care Services of the Envera Group and the Director of the Tenerife Center accompanied the students and their families at the closing ceremony of the course. An emotional meeting that served to recall the achievements of the last twelve months of training, but also to look forward to the next edition.

The 2015-2016 Seed Project is already underway and, as in the previous year, continues to be free of charge for students. In addition, students have an attendance grant of seven euros per day.

The Seed Project has an insertion commitment of 25%, i.e., at least 4 of the participants must obtain an employment contract at the end of their studies.