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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


In collaboration with

Juan Luis Cano and the Gomaespuma Foundation, protagonists on Radio Terrícola

Madrid | January 23, 2024

The famous journalist, writer, broadcaster and humorist Juan Luis Cano has dropped by our Radio Terrícola studios in Madrid along with Piluca Los Santos, director of the Gomaespuma Foundation, and we have enjoyed with them a special program full of fun, anecdotes and, above all, lots of music.

At the beginning of the program, Juan Luis surprised us, guitar in hand, with a song as a pregón of what was to come.

Envera's reporters received Juan Luis and Piluca after their visit to the Early Intervention and Neurodevelopment Center and the training classrooms, where they were able to talk to our students and professionals and students.

As a result of this first approach, we are sure that both entities, Envera and the Gomaespuma Foundation, will collaborate to promote the different social projects that are carried out.

And to say goodbye, of course, another song! Because as our guest says: "Music is the most sublime creation of the human being". And we agree.