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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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Juan Manuel Moreno visits the Malaga Special Employment Center

Málaga | October 26, 2015


The president of the Andalusian Popular Party, Juan Manuel Moreno, visited the special employment center of Grupo Envera - APMIB in Malaga to take an interest in the work carried out by the people employed at the center, who every day are responsible for cartoning, handling, document management and waste management, among other tasks.

Currently, and after the loss of almost twenty jobs as a result of the crisis, Grupo Envera has a staff of forty workers in Malaga with a recognized intellectual or physical disability and an average age of 44 years old.

As Pedro Sobrino, Envera's General Manager, acknowledges, "without our centers, these people would have no opportunity in the open labor market and would be doomed to social exclusion". Even so, the special employment center in Malaga receives an average of 25 requests each month that cannot be met.

Juan Manuel Moreno's visit coincides with the dangerous situation in which the center finds itself due to the non-payment of twelve million euros by the Junta de Andalucía. This amount, which should have been destined since 2014 to Malaga organizations dedicated to the labor insertion of people with disabilities, puts at risk more than 2,500 jobs.

In Sobrino's words, "if the Executive does not pay the employment incentives for people with disabilities, it will condemn these workers to social exclusion", and adds that the Andalusian Government "puts at risk the work of more than 38 years of Envera in Malaga, almost four decades pursuing equal opportunities through the socio-labor insertion of people with disabilities with the sole objective that they can have a decent life".

Grupo Envera joined the mobilizations called by the special employment centers throughout the region, the first of which was called on November 4.