Madrid | May 21, 2020
Program 46 has come loaded with oxygen balloons for the less fortunate. A respite for those who need employment counseling, and cannot afford it, and the relief of knowing a digital platform capable of ensuring that donations reach their destination with total transparency. And on the grass, we have been told that by getting involved in the work, you get to sweat through your elbows... So it is not strange to go to bed exhausted, as acknowledged by no less than a child in confinement.
ISRAEL QUIRÓS, member of the Envera Board of Directors and president of the Iberia UGT Intercenter Committee, began with the news of his budding paternity, to which Adrián will pass the baton when his son is born. What's more, our colleague could not suppress the impulse to suggest that he name his daughter Envera, a newfound woman's name for the cause.
After noting that much progress has been made in the legal and labor framework for people with intellectual disabilities, Israel reminded us that the ultimate goal of a union is to protect the right of all workers by removing barriers and promoting social inclusion. "It is time to listen to the neighbors in the neighborhoods and work with them," he said. Hence his organization is now supporting those who need it, advising on recruitment, "ertes" and other doubts about work in the face of the uncertain future of work: "as social actors unions have to take a step forward," he stressed very bluntly. Regarding the collaboration with Envera, he prefers not to call it a "welfare contribution", but a luxury that they are very proud to do. Envera is proud to count on him.
RUTH EXPÓSITO, a professional of Envera's assistance services, made us envious when she found out that she was so fresh on the lawn. Today the children of the "resis" of our Integral Center for Disability, in Colmenar Viejo, are already outdoors and are allowed short walks along the nearby "cañada Real". It is not the same to open up to the outside world as to have been confined twice: inside the residences and inside those plastic suits... which made them sweat through their elbows! It was not a metaphor, but a discovery that science will have to take into account from now on. A before and after in the life of Ruth, an Envera worker who gives out smiles and love in abundance. This is well known by the beneficiaries, who now live the post-confinement period in a more relaxed way and wake up "with the calm" and the joy of knowing that the videoconferences with their families await them every afternoon.
ANTONIO VAZQUEZ, beneficiary, has connected with Radio Terricola from his home to tell us that he goes for a walk and entertains himself with the tablet. Before saying goodbye, he greeted his friend Jisan to tell him to behave himself. A huge applause has dismissed him as it is necessary.
ARANCHA MARTÍNEZ, social entrepreneur and co-founder of GomGo, talked about the #STOPCOVID_IO project, a solidarity platform based on blockchain, to collaborate with NGOs in a transparent way. In a nutshell, it is to provide a reliable application to those involved in the management of resources. Even easier: it is to ensure that once the donor makes a contribution (and it is verified that everything is legal and has management capacity) the donation reaches its recipients with total transparency and for the declared purposes. "Any person or institution can see in real time what is happening with their donation", emphasized our guest. It is important not to forget that they are endorsed by the United Nations. So pay attention to this platform because it will be very useful and necessary in the coming years and Envera will be present as a reliable and transparent organization. Watch out for the next few days.
TOÑI SÁNCHEZ and ÁNGEL PÉREZ, Iberia administrative staff in Alicante, have acknowledged that they are "on vacation", if it were not for the drama we are living through. With Ángel we looked back to the time when his father, also an Iberia worker, organized bullfighting festivals to raise funds for the former APMIB, which he remembers from his early childhood. We have learned that Toñi has volunteering in his veins because if it were not for the pandemic he would now be in Gambia, where he will go as soon as he can. New applause for them because they make volunteering and solidarity a flag.
JONÁS PAZ, better known as "Papá Planazo", has given us the best gift of the day: letting us talk to his sons, Jacobo and Román, who at 7 and 9 years of age are already showing enough self-confidence to let them loose. They have told us about the ingenuity with which their father has surprised them these past few days: nothing less than a hopscotch game reproduced on the kitchen floor with tape and marker. This game of "the trick", as Jonas says it is known in La Mancha, has occupied them so much that at the end of the day "we went to bed exhausted", as our young guest confirmed. The worst thing is if at home they follow their idea of having to skip it when they go to eat and "who doesn't pass it, doesn't eat", they have threatened with their childish candor. No, we do not forget the hamster, one more of the family, who is called Micki, and the day of his christening took a ride in a car also named Micki. Everything stays at home. With Miki the mouse and this family of Iberia digital volunteers at Envera, who every day contribute their time and affection to make Envera bigger, another day of "candied" radio comes to an end, waiting for tomorrow, when there will be more.