- The Deputy Mayor and Councilwoman for Culture and Tourism and the Councilwoman for Social Policy and Equality of Colmenar Viejo attended the event.
- The event was held in the auditorium of the Madrid municipality in front of 400 spectators.
Madrid | June 5, 2024
Envera has held its I Day of Theater and Inclusion in the Municipal Auditorium of Colmenar Viejo, with the participation, as protagonists, of people with intellectual disabilities, high support needs and people over 45 years of age with premature aging, whom this NGO has been accompanying for more than 47 years with the aim of enabling them to occupy their place in the world with dignity and providing the necessary support so that they can make their own decisions.
Precisely this has been one of the topics that people from the Day Center and the Envera Senior Citizens Residence, actors and actresses in this theatrical day, have dealt with in the musical Acompáñame en tus sueños to demonstrate that, despite the disability and the great need for support they have, they are masters of their lives.
The play, conceived, prepared and performed by them together with the professionals who accompany them every day, has also shown on stage the importance of activities such as animal-assisted therapy or music therapy.
In the words of Envera's president, José Antonio Quintero, "this auditorium is the stage of authentic commitment to inclusion and respect for each person; we are going to celebrate equal opportunities and what better way to do it than through the wonderful language of the performing arts".
Along with the president also attended the exhibition, on behalf of the City Council of Colmenar Viejo, the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture and Tourism, Rocío Cámara, and the Councillor for Social Policy and Equality, Isabel Álvarez.
The Catarata Company was not the only one to perform in this First Day of Theater and Inclusion. From the Envera Residence and Occupational Center in Madrid, the group Cantos y Cuentos performed El ratón ladrón, a musical storyteller that is constantly touring schools with inclusion as a banner.
The Envera Dance Group also performed a group exhibition to the rhythm of such well-known soundtracks as the movie Grease.
In short, the performers and dancers of Envera demonstrated through the performing arts that in this world we are all unique and important, that we all count, with three performances that were applauded by the 400 people attending the event.