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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


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Radio Terrícola in the I Insular Day of Social and Labor Insertion of People with Disabilities

Gran Canaria | May 3, 2022

On April 27th was held the I Insular Day of Social and Labor Insertion of People with Disabilities promoted by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. A meeting point for companies, public administrations, entities specialized in disability and for the general population with the aim of "sharing experiences and promoting efforts to develop a space for reflection and analysis on the reality that people with disabilities face in the labor field."


In order to get the best out of the day, our reporters from Radio Terrícola traveled to the event to meet and share in real time the impressions of those attending the talks and make a complete coverage of the event. A fundamental journalistic work that served to bring attendees closer to the disability and publicize the capabilities of the team of Radio Terrícola professionals who demonstrate every day that, as we say in Envera, "we can all be the best at something".

Envera was invited to participate in the Labor Intermediation table for the labor insertion of people with disabilities and thus share its experience on the labor insertion of people with disabilities in the ordinary market so that we can, together, continue working to leave no one behind.

As indicated by the Councilor for Employment and Local Development of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Juan Díaz Sánchez, these conferences do not end, but the objective is "to give them continuity with the work of the Department of Employment and also the Foundation for Disability", the name of the future local foundation that will develop "a series of actions aimed at the labor insertion of people with disabilities".