Gran Canaria : June 30, 2021
Last Friday, June 25, Tanausú Placeres, councilman of Festivities and Youth of the Gran Canarian municipality of Agüimes, who knows first hand what are the concerns of the youngest, came to chat with us on Radio Terrícola.
The reporters of the Envera Occupational Center in Gran Canaria wanted to start the interview with interesting questions to which Tanausú answered with great sincerity and confessed that the main reason why he is in politics is the possibility of helping others as much as possible, making the management of the administration much closer to the citizens.
Placeres also explained that the main problem you have being a councilman of Festivities is that "you can not please everyone", as each person has different tastes and views on the organization of the festivities.
On the other hand, the mayor has shown us how his work differs from that of other departments in which a greater knowledge of specific issues is required.
We have celebrated one of the important objectives that Tanausú and his team are achieving: to know what young people want through youth mediators, volunteers who, through listening and encouraging active participation, get to know what they need and what is necessary to organize, in the best possible way, activities for the youngest.
His department is of great importance for the municipality, "because being able to be in community and having the possibility of celebrating traditions and new projects among the young and old is what we need today," says Placeres.
Although there are many improvements that have been made as well as new projects that have been carried out from the council, there are always things that can be improved. One of the aspects that most concerns is the sustainability and the environment, a priority that the Agüimes City Council shares with Envera and is that "keeping the spaces clean is a task for everyone".
To conclude with the interview we have dealt with a topic that we are experts in Envera: disability. Tanausú, who is also a Physical Education teacher, has given us a very sincere point of view, assuring us that he does not like the term disability, because "we all have our own limits". Words that remind us of Envera's motto, which we often repeat, "we can all be the best at something".