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AsociaciĂłn Envera is an NGO accredited by FundaciĂłn Lealtad.


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Envera creates more than 650 jobs for people with disabilities thanks to "la Caixa" Foundation's Incorpora program.

  • Envera celebrates its 10th anniversary as part of the program for the employment of people at risk of social exclusion.

By Eva Alonso, technician of Envera's Labor Insertion Service.

Madrid | March 26, 2024

Envera celebrates the tenth anniversary of its annexation to the Incorpora Program of "la Caixa" Foundation. Since 2014 and thanks to the Incorpora Network, Envera has served more than 1,380 people with disabilities with the aim of improving their quality of life and their socio-labor inclusion, and has generated 810 employment opportunities of which more than 650 have become jobs for people with disabilities.

With the Incorpora Program, Envera permanently develops personalized labor insertion itineraries tailored to the capabilities of each person with which it promotes prospecting and awareness in the business sector, manages job offers and carries out labor intermediation and advice on hiring qualified personnel with disabilities, so that all the people it works with can obtain a productive, dignified and stable job, appropriate to their different professional profiles and provide the necessary support throughout their professional careers.

As explained by Envera's Training and Labor Insertion Area, "the collaborative work of the network is of vital importance to be able to provide a successful response both to the people who are part of the labor itineraries and to the hiring companies, offering both parties personalized support before, during and after each insertion". In the Community of Madrid, Envera works with 39 social entities through the Incorpora Program Network.

The Incorpora Program promotes the labor market insertion of particularly vulnerable people and, over the last decade, Envera and "la Caixa" Foundation have been working together for equal opportunities to access the labor market, especially in ordinary companies, breaking down many of the prejudices that still exist today about professionals with disabilities.

About Envera

Envera is a non-profit organization founded 47 years ago by Iberia employees, parents of people with intellectual disabilities, which has been accredited by the FundaciĂłn Lealtad and provides services to 5.It provides services to 5,000 people with disabilities and their families every year in its early care services, child and youth neurodevelopment, training, job placement services, occupational and day centers, residences and guardianship; it employs more than 900 of them in its special employment centers and trains more than 300 athletes (it belongs to Special Olympics); it has the support of 250 volunteers and has a hundred collaborating entities.

The following are patrons of its FundaciĂłn Tutelar: Iberia, Airbus, Unisys and Hilario Alfaro (Madrid Foro Empresarial). It has centers in Madrid, Colmenar Viejo (Madrid), Barcelona, Malaga, Tenerife and Gran Canaria, and Inclusion Points in Madrid, Pozuelo and El Prat.

Among its recognitions, it has the Gold Medal of the City Council of Colmenar, the Justice and Disability Award of the General Council of the Judiciary, the ABC Solidarity Award 2023, the 2019 National Award for Excellence in Labor Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities and the 2018 Sustainable Company Award at the Influentials Awards of El Confidencial.

Envera leads the CSR roundtable at the Madrid Business Forum and works on Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic element of competitiveness and differential value in the customer experience. Envera has an impact on 11 of the 17 SDGs of the UN 2030 Agenda.