Madrid | March 12, 2019
The candidate for the presidency of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and Jorge García, mayor of Colmenar Viejo, have passed this morning by Radio Terrícola, undergoing a third degree by our most daring reporters. A brief interview that is part of the radio program that was being broadcast live while our guests were visiting the Envera Integral Disability Center in Colmenar Viejo.
In this way, with naturalness and sympathy, our guests have been part of the program as one more and collaborated in the dynamics that were being carried out. Of course, as soon as they have been neglected, they have been the direct target of the most incisive questions from the usual interviewers.
Both have been answering us on issues of aid to the disabled, priority measures for the next legislature, concern about access to housing, the increase and collaboration between public and private entities for training and employment as tools for social integration. And they have even given us an exclusive with the announcement of Isabel to extend to the future Ministry of Sports the employment agreements for people with disabilities if she is president of the Community and to maintain the agreement of labor practices with the students of Envera. We liked very much that she said that her first measure if she wins the elections will be against the loneliness of so many people, especially the elderly, who have no one to accompany them. In short, a lot of intentions that will facilitate the coexistence and quality of life of people, especially those who need it most.
Isabel also tells us about her political vocation since she was a young girl, when she even wrote to Felipe González to suggest that many things should be changed. She tells us that she is a journalist and that she has always liked to do radio, she confesses to be a madridista and that her ideal destination would be with a lot of light, where she could have a dog and a cat.
We have known Jorge García for a long time and our words are and will always be of gratitude for the exemplary work that the City Council of Colmenar Viejo has been doing in favor of inclusion, being a benchmark in the community of Madrid. However, there has been no shortage of suggestions to continue improving this town, such as more garbage cans and continue with the training practices for people from Envera in the municipal administration that do so much for job placement and equal opportunities.
Both Isabel and Jorge have promised to visit us at a later date and, more importantly, to continue working to improve the lives of everyone.
Thank you Isabel and thank you Mayor, we look forward to seeing you soon.