Madrid | March 14, 2019
Javier García Ugarte, founder of the associations Mundo Justo and Voluntarios por África, has been our guest of honor today. On the occasion of the signing of a collaboration agreement with Envera, through our Solidarity Recycling Center, we have been able to learn about the fantastic work that these two associations have been developing for some years now.
At Envera we also contribute our grain of sand to other associations that need support, and just as we seek it through individuals, companies or the administration, in Mundo Justo and Volunteers for Africa, collaboration is essential to give continuity to current projects and undertake new ones. Our suitcases, clothes, medicine, school supplies and whatever else may arise, will be our contribution to such noble causes.
Javi, as he likes to be called, is passionate about the message he wants to convey, it is clear that he lives what he says and feels the need to do what he does. He is a committed person who exudes optimism, even seeing what he has seen and knowing how difficult it is to change things. And that is what has permeated all of us who have participated in today's radio workshop. With admiration and curiosity, the questions to Javi have not ceased to know how they help children and families in Ethiopia who have nothing and yet are happy, they have asked him about the shelters for the homeless that they manage, about the volunteers and the important work they do, and he speaks of solidarity, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, begins with who you have next to you. We are moved by the story that for a child to attend school in Ethiopia it is only necessary to have a notebook, a pen and a pencil, but most of them do not have it. He tells us that what makes them happiest is that they go to visit them to stay with them for a few days. They are happy, he concludes, because they know nothing of what happens in other parts of the world where we have almost everything to spare.
Pedro Sobrino, our director, whom we already missed on the microphones of Radio Terrícola, has offered our collaboration in everything that Envera can contribute to the two associations that Javi represents. So we have not missed the opportunity to offer to take our radio to Ethiopia, what an experience it would be for everyone.
After listening to Javier, there is a bittersweet aftertaste where we savor all the effort and the good we do every day from our association, but also the bitterness of being aware of the infinite injustice we live in this world, which could be avoided. Fortunately there are some people, few, like him, who make generosity and commitment their flag.
We know that as soon as Javi left the radio station he was flying to Ethiopia. The illusion in his eyes, the suitcases full of life and the excitement to meet those friends again, was tremendously contagious. So we do not rule out that, finally, someday we will be able to transmit our good vibes from that unique country, which resisted like no other that shameful division of the African continent and for which today so many misfortunes and injustice continue to suffer.
Congratulations Javi for giving it your all!
We are always here for you.