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AsociaciĂłn Envera is an NGO accredited by FundaciĂłn Lealtad.


In collaboration with

Ineco and Envera promote training and employment of people with disabilities in the hospitality sector

  • The public company finances Envera's Cooking and Dining Room Assistant Course

Madrid | June 28, 2024

Ineco supports Envera's social mission so that people with disabilities can occupy their place in the world with dignity, through the financing of the Cooking Course and Room Attendant for people with intellectual disabilities, which aims to improve their chances of accessing the labor market in a sector where there is a great demand for professionals.

The project, supported by Ineco as part of its Equality Plan, is aimed at people with disabilities over the age of 16 and under the age of 30 who are unemployed or in precarious employment.

This training, free of charge for participants, will enable people with disabilities to perform tasks related to the hospitality industry as kitchen and dining room assistants, acquiring basic knowledge about the sector and the kitchen and dining room area, including its technical and organizational characteristics, as well as the functions performed by each of the professionals involved in each department.

In addition, thanks to the theoretical contents and internships in specialized companies, students will develop the competencies and skills necessary to perform in the kitchen, such as, for example, the use of machinery and tools, knowing how to work with raw materials, prepare food and present culinary preparations.

The project, which is currently in the student recruitment phase, has a duration of approximately five months and a total duration of 480 hours, distributed in 290 hours of theoretical content in our classrooms and industrial kitchen and 175 hours of internships in hospitality companies and 15 hours of coaching with each participant for preparation, search and recruitment in hospitality companies.

Interested persons can register at Envera's website.