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Asociación Envera is an NGO accredited by Fundación Lealtad.


In collaboration with


Madrid | January 3, 2019

If a few days ago we visited the Control Tower of the Adolfo Suárez Airport, in Madrid-Barajas, today we have gone with the mobile unit of Radio Terrícola to the home of ENAIRE, to its headquarters in Madrid. We have transmitted live, for all its workers and for the whole world, an emotional and very special program because it is ENAIRE's day and because it coincides with the feast of Our Lady of Loreto, patron saint of aviation, of the air forces and of aeronautics. It was also the first time that all the centers managed by the company were connected to celebrate it live. That is why we were with all of them, with almost 4,000 workers spread all over Spain.

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María López, ENAIRE's Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, introduced us to her colleagues, who were expectant about the size of the logistical deployment. On our part, the reporters of Radio Terrícola, who were already in front of the microphones, were ready to intervene with the battery of questions, which had been carefully prepared the previous week. So we gave way to our guests, all of them ENAIRE employees. Let's take off!

Enrique Gismera, Director of the North Central Region, in charge of the Madrid Control Center and all the towers in Madrid, northern area, except Catalonia; Cristina García Cortés, Head of the People Management Support Division; and Esther Langreo, who works in General Affairs, with more than thirty years in the company. These have been the voices which have represented so many workers of a company which is the main provider of air navigation and aeronautical information services in Spain, besides being one of the most important worldwide.
ENAIRE depends on the Ministry of Public Works, and as a public enterprise, manages the Spanish airspace.

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With all this information, each of the guests talked to us about the commitment and responsibility that ENAIRE has, about the attitudes and aptitudes in the work they perform, they told us about their dreams and desires, about the highways of the sky, where so many airplanes fly perfectly controlled so that nothing bad happens, they talked to us about the fellowship and the people and the illusion for what they do, about the future challenges of aviation... All very interesting and unknown to us.

Listening to them we were fascinated, that's the truth. But we also wanted to give them our grain of sand and contribute part of what we are, of what we represent. We believe that we have transmitted to them naturally what excites us, what moves us day by day and how we see life from a perspective not so different from how they see it.
We always move under the same basis to feel good, to be as happy as possible. The aptitude for what we have been given to live - a destiny that is nothing more than pure chance - is what each one of us works from the position in the control tower, putting all five senses; from that general direction, trying to ensure that 4000 people give their best and that there continues to be a future for all of them; But also from the fantastic stories of Francisco, a resident of Envera with an innate ability to provoke a smile in whoever listens to him; of Antonio Martín "Michael", our particular commander of "terrevuelos" and a man of a thousand facets; or of Sonso, who sings with all his soul at the slightest opportunity he has. All of us, without exception, are looking for the same thing.

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The program concluded with the brilliant voice of Sonso, singing the Envera hymn, and with the screening of the unstoppable documentary short film Michael's Flight.

We have to thank Miluca Gutierrez and Maria Lopez, for the kindness and sympathy that they have dedicated to us at all times. Also to Nacho, who has been watching over this particular entourage, also lending himself to collaborate in future projects with Radio Terrícola.

Thanks to ENAIRE for all these experiences and for the friendship that will surely continue to reach higher and further with ENVERA.
