Ineco and Envera promote training and employment of people with disabilities in the hospitality sector

The public company finances Envera's Kitchen and Dining Room Assistant Course Madrid | June 28, 2024 Ineco supports Envera's social mission so that people with disabilities can occupy their place with dignity....

Letter from a mother to Envera's Early Intervention Service: "You have been what a mother looks for in a situation like this".

Madrid | June 28, 2024 Elena Berriatua is the mother of Martina, a 16-month-old girl who arrived at Envera's Early Intervention Service where she has spent the last three years receiving the support she needs....

Envera, Caixabank and Fundación La Caja de Canarias reduce the digital divide for women with disabilities

The initiative Click_Envera_ 2024. Accede al mundo laboral has been selected within the 'Convocatoria Social 2024' that promotes initiatives focused on the promotion of employment and occupational guidance, local development, social inclusion and the attention to...

BBVA awards the VESTA Envera Project to train people with disabilities and recover areas affected by fires in Tenerife

Tenerife | June 10, 2024 The VESTA Envera initiative has won the VI BBVA Sustainable Future Solidarity Call for Proposals promoted by BBVA Asset Management, which on Monday announced the solidarity projects recognized in this year's edition of...

Special program: 70 people from Telefónica celebrate International Volunteer Day at Envera

Madrid | June 7, 2024 Envera has opened the doors of its Integral Disability Center to more than 70 people from Telefónica, who have decided to celebrate its International Volunteer Day with a day of inclusion and...

Envera receives the Minister of Tourism and Employment of the Canary Islands and the representative of the hoteliers of Tenerife

Tenerife | June 10, 2024 The Minister of Tourism and Employment of the Canary Islands, Jessica de León, has revisited the Delegation of Envera in Tenerife together with the manager of Ashotel, Juan Pablo González, to show the...

Mention of Honor from the District of Barajas to Envera for its promotion of inclusive sports.

Envera counts on Vicente del Bosque as sports ambassador More than 30 years promoting inclusive sports Madrid | June 7, 2024 Envera - Association of Iberia Employees Parents of People with Disabilities, receives the Mention of...